What could be better than a round of golf with friends, non-stop food
that’s hot off the grill, and some really nice prizes at the end of the day? How about doing all these things PLUS making a difference in area teenagers lives at the same time? Sounds like NOT dying and STILL going to Heaven to me!
Wednesday, June 8th is the date for this opportunity and White Springs Golf Club is the place as golfers tee off for YFC’s 32nd annual Youth for Christ Golf Classic. The day will be marked by non-stop food service, an uplifting atmosphere, and plenty of prizes and camaraderie as well. Another highlight will be hearing from a student that has been helped through Youth for Christ as a result of what people have invested in teens’ lives. Golfers can either raise pledges to benefit kids or simply pay to play at a cost of $100 for individual or $350 per team. There is also a “Gold Class” option where golfers can receive more gifts and amenities while doubling their donation to the cause. Business sponsors are being sought as well. In fact, the logos of this year’s “Silver Sponsors” are below. Interested in playing or supporting the cause? Just reach out to YFC at office@yfcmv.org or by calling 937-548-2477.