“Think about why you give to something. Personally, I give because I want to make a difference. I want to know my gift is going to help and how it is going to help. I love to hear the stories that come out of a gift given. I have been giving monthly to YFC for around 3 years, because I want to help the ministry by receiving consistent gifts, so they can continue to reach teenagers on a regular basis, but in addition I like to give other gifts for more specific purposes when I feel led.
This past summer, I knew I was being led to give a scholarship for a teen to be able to go to camp. I prayed about it, and even asked God to show me if there was a particular teen I should send. He laid one particular teen I had had some interaction with back in the spring on my heart. So I spoke with their ministry director and I discovered this teenager wasn’t going to be able to go to camp unless they received a scholarship for their trip. It was confirmation to me that this was the teenager I was to send to camp.
Initially, I thought the teenager was the one receiving the blessing, but then I got to hear firsthand about that specific student’s growth as a result of going to camp. How they grew in their faith, and all the while knowing that I got to be a part of that. God did the changing in this teenager’s walk with Him, but I got to be a part of it! I can tell you when I heard the growth the teen had made after camp, it brought tears to my eyes, because one I was obedient in giving and two because of the amazing work God does in a life and three that He let me be used for His glory. It truly was a blessing to hear about the outcome!”
Check out the photo galleries from jr. high camp and sr. high camp last summer, and this past winter camp