GMS Campus Life

February 7, 2023


Every Friday at Greenville Middle School, Marty McCabe, our GMS Campus Life Site Leader, heads to the lunch room with some candy to pass out, inviting students to club during the lunch period. A lively bunch of students grab their lunch and head down to the art room where they take a seat, watch a short video clip, hear a quick talk on the theme for the day, have a short discussion and end with a game. It goes quick, but it’s packed with meaningful conversation, relationship building, and lots of fun!

Eighth grader, Eric Furgeson, is a regular attender of GMS Campus Life, Hang Time at the YFC Ministry Center on Monday’s after school and has also been involved in several of our trips. Eric recently lost his mom to cancer this past December and his father passed away in 2021. To say the least, Eric has been through a lot in the past couple of years. Thankfully, Eric has a close family-like member, affectionately known as “Grandpa Joe”, who has been taking care of him.

Eric enjoys golfing at White Springs as much as he can in the spring and fall and almost every day in the summer.
He plays outfield on the school baseball team and has a great throwing arm. He also likes to hang out with friends and play football, basketball, and play video games. Eric also likes to do chores for those in need, especially in his neighborhood.

When Eric struggles, he seeks counsel from trusted leaders and it helps him to know there are solid adults he can go to. He’s drawn to Christian leaders for support because they point him to Christ which always gives him hope. Between the adults at YFC, members of his church family at Coletown Christian, and the GMS staff, Eric has been thankful for the support he has received, especially during these past couple of years. Eric has grown in his faith and he is thankful for all the people that take time for him and are willing to listen!

You can make a difference in a teen’s life, like Eric. GMS Campus Life is especially in need of female volunteers. Contact the YFC office, 937-548-2477, to get more information on volunteering for any of our ministry sites. See a full list of our ministry sites at