Hey everyone! My name is John Whirledge and I currently serve YFC as the Board Chairperson. I’ve been involved with YFC for (at least) the past thirteen years. I first volunteered with Greenville Campus Life, sitting under a table with my head under a bowl, waiting to scare an unsuspecting student during a game. From that evening on, YFC has been part of my life. I spent many lunches at Greenville Junior High School, with other local youth ministers, building relationships and encouraging students. I joined the board in the summer of 2019 and this summer felt the Lord leading into this new role as the board chair.
I have always had a passion for connecting with students where they are, and showing the love of Christ to them in meaningful ways. This is one of the things I love about YFC. YFC uses relationships to share the hope and love of Christ with students right where they are. Sometimes a game night is just that – a game night to build relationships and to have fun. But what we see is these events and activities lead to real relationships, where students know they can trust their leaders and can ask the hard questions about life and faith without fear of being judged.
The students in our communities need relationships with leaders who love them with the love of Christ. They are seeking people they can trust. They are looking for answers and are tired of the internet and social media’s answers. This is why YFC exists – to build relationships, answer those questions and to ultimately share the hope of Jesus.
The next generations need us. They need the hope of Jesus and each one of us is uniquely able to share the hope of Jesus with them. This is why I serve with and support YFC.