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Meet Erin Ayette, YFC Executive Director
Since joining the YFC team as Interim Executive Director in September of 2022, Erin Ayette has been working closely with Lisa Mehaffie, who was then YFC’s Marketing and Donor Relations Director. Lisa, having much of the “tribal knowledge” of YFC, after having been here for 10 years, has been vital in helping in the transition of Executive Directors.
Lisa and Erin have been working as a team to make sure the operations and ministry of YFC have continued to run smoothly. Realizing that this team effort seemed to be working well, they approached the Board of Directors about the possibility of continuing in these roles permanently, performing the necessary duties, working in their strengths. The Board was favorable to this idea and voted to hire Erin as the part time permanent Executive Director and change Lisa’s title to Marketing, Engagement and Operations Director. Erin has been focusing more on the ministry aspect of the E.D. role, whereas Lisa has taken on more of the administrative responsibilities associated with the E.D. role.
As Erin mentioned at the Be the Story banquet, she feels humbled and honored to be in this position and realizes that she has big shoes to fill, as our former Executive Director, Neal Crawford, poured himself into the mission of YFC for 38 years. Neal helped build a strong foundation for the ministry of YFC and Erin is thankful for that foundation to continue to build upon.
Lisa, in her 10 years with YFC, has served in a few different positions: starting as administrative assistant and having a marketing background she also created a plan to help YFC to be seen in the community by taking over marketing for the organization. After being on staff for several years and going through training, she added donor relations to her role. When Erin stepped in as a part-time interim director, Lisa stepped up to aid her in the office operations. This lead to her current role as the Marketing, Engagement and Operations Director position.
With the support of the Board of Directors, staff, volunteers and our community, the transition of Executive Directors has been relatively smooth. Erin and Lisa ask for your prayers and continued support as they move forward, in sensitivity to God’s leading, towards the future of YFC.