You could probably picture it even without the photos: An electric sendoff atmosphere charged by anticipation of things to come. A rousing road trip to Ft. Wayne. Hundreds of teenagers storming into the convention center. Deafening music, jumping, singing, shouting, finally leading to worship. Passionate speaker, hearts moved, knees bowed, testimonies shared, lives altered. Late night dinner out followed by gut-level talks and very little sleep. Laughter, smiles, and tears. Followed by a sleepy return trip with a Wendy’s stop along the way. Finally, parents waiting, parting words, and empty vans. These were the sights and sounds of the annual “Go Mad” (Go Make a Difference) trip local teenagers participated in late last fall. What were the takeaways?
In their own words…
When asked what the best part of Go MAD was for them, participants responded:
- “I liked when we were able to break off and share with our group after the big sessions because I got to know my leaders and friends better in that time and felt like we bonded a lot.” – Faith
Faith Enjoying Free Time in the pool at the hotel
- “I enjoyed hanging out with people and making new friends. I learned a lot about God and his word through the music there, and something else that impacted me from what the speaker shared is that no matter what kind of problems you have with family and friends, there’s always a way to work it out.” – Mylee
Mylee (left) and friend Hayley (right) being silly in their room
- “I really liked talking to the speaker because we had a lot in common with our dads, and him talking about being able to forgive his dad and having faith in him to change because of his relationship with God stuck out to me. I also really liked being able to hang out at the hotel with everyone and make new friends.” – Eric
Eric hanging out with friends during free time

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Rallying Help for Kids
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A Simple Invite
Parent Life ministry reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children in unique ways to empower them in their next steps

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A Preble County Callout
"Honestly, it has become a family for us!"

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Combating Increased Loneliness Felt During Pandemic
"Our team didn’t give up. Even in the face of discouragement. Love unmasked. Generosity unleashed.”

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Rallying Help for Kids
See the Story Events

2 Minutes
A Simple Invite
Parent Life ministry reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children in unique ways to empower them in their next steps

2 Minutes
A Preble County Callout
"Honestly, it has become a family for us!"

5 min read
Combating Increased Loneliness Felt During Pandemic
"Our team didn’t give up. Even in the face of discouragement. Love unmasked. Generosity unleashed.”